Cotswolds Photographer
Helen Captures the Beauty of the Cotswolds
Helen, a professional photographer, shares images taken exclusively in the Cotswolds. She finds space to reconnect with what is important in life when she is in the natural landscape. She captures and shares things that bring her peace, make her laugh, or fill her with curiosity and awe.
Helen has loved taking photographs since she was given her first camera by her grandad at the age of 9. After moving to the Cotswolds in 2016, she was able to combine her love of photography with her love of nature and walking.
It was only after struggling with her mental health through lockdown that Helen followed a calling to make photography her profession. She loves photography because it allows her to indulge the childlike part of her that gets so excited about the things she sees.
Helen does not use artificial intelligence, preferring her images to be as true to real life as possible. A traffic accident in her 20s left her with a bad back, which restricts what she can carry, how long she can walk, and how long she can stay in one spot. She has had to adapt her photography accordingly.
For this reason, unlike most landscape photographers, Helen rarely uses a tripod or spends hours waiting for the right conditions. While she has favorite locations, almost all of her shots are taken handheld, using natural light. This gives her more ability to move around and capture the fleeting moment, the coming together of subject, light, and landscape.
Helen sincerely hopes that you find an element of peace in her work and that it inspires you to connect with nature, to tread a little lighter, to laugh a little more, and to radiate your inner peace out to the world.
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